Monday, March 29, 2010

Life has been pretty busy lately, but we were able to enjoy the Lu'au at BYU.  Zach, Hannah, and Rachel represented in the Maori section.  He sure is cute. 

My portfolio is due tomorrow and then my assignments will all be DONE!  Graduating in 3 weeks!  We will be enjoying the rest of this week with Zach's family and then my parents come up for graduation.  I'm still waiting to hear when my siblings are arriving for graduation...


Peter FNFN said...

i'll be out of town... or else you know i'd be there! and somehow this wasn't communicated to me til a couple weeks ago, well after i already had my plane tickets purchased! :(

i sure am proud of you though!
tell zack he's breaking the honor code in so many ways!

American Mom said...

Stacie - I wish I could be there - but you know the Conference is the day before and I can't leave early. SORRY!!!

Heidi and Rich said...

Mr. Zach... cover yourself!!! Just kidding. That is so cool you got to do that. I can't believe you are graduating Stacie. It feels like yesterday that I graduated from BYU as a teacher and Stace you were so young. You do still have bonus points in my book for coming to graduation. I owe you!!! Good luck and I am glad the portfolio thing is done. Yippy!!

Jordan and Nikki Brown said...

I remember you were at my graduation - and extremely bored, with a book! I believe you attended Jordan's as well - so you really do get brownie points. I wish I could be there...but you'll get the joy of a new niece instead.

Very cool that Zach got to show his moves! I think Jordan would like to learn some. Hopefully we'll get to stop by the new place sometime.