Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Stages of teaching:
1. Honeymoon
2. Hostility
3. Humor
4. Home

Luckily the hostility didn't last long and the humor has been helping me get through it all this whole time.

Oh how I love my kids, let me count the ways:

  1. I asked my student what a number was and he says, "82, my lady."
  2. We talked about honesty and I asked one student to share his journal answer and he said, "Being honest is not lying.  Jesus Christ...(mumbling)."  And then he bowed his head.  I think he thought he was giving a talk.
  3. Working on ch, sh, th, wh digraphs and when I asked for examples of ch I got church and a really excited Choose the right!
  4. During math one student said, "Mrs. Smith, I'm almost getting hair on my a man."  Out of nowhere.
  5. One student said about another of my students with autism "He is funny."  He replied, "No I'm not.  I don't tell jokes!"
  6. The same student who is apparently not funny has a slight obsession with my one girl student and he tends to look at her A LOT so I told him that I would put his star card in time out if he continued to look at her.  He said, "I can't stop.  My eyes just look at her."
  7. We did compliments today and I had each kid compliment the student next to him and then they could pick anyone and so I encouraged them to pick the teachers as well.  One student said he liked me because I "help him in math".  It made me feel pretty good after a LOUSY week last week.
Sometimes it helps to remember the good things because some days are really rough.  Luckily I have Zach to come home to and he puts everything into perspective and just makes me laugh.


Vanessa Rae said...

i like these stages of teaching : )

Jordan and Nikki Brown said...

How funny they are! Such sweet personalities.